
June 9, 2022

Can The Summer Heat Actually Make Your Allergies Worse?

Summer heat is proven to circulate mold spores and pollen, making seasonal allergies worse. These tiny particles and items can cause discomfort for a lot of people. When the air is warmer and more humid, it becomes easy for allergens to float from anywhere inside or outside your home. This includes common places like flower beds and lawns but also grasses, weeds, trees, and any plants nearby. As a result, many of us suffer uncontrollable allergies when the summer heat comes along.

Heat promotes plant growth which means more pollen

Many plants pollinate based on environmental triggers which is why we have different allergy seasons caused by different plants. To know what allergens are the worst in which season, download our allergy calendar. Most grasses tend to pollinate in the heat, especially in warm areas like Texas, Florida, and Arizona, which is why grass allergies peak in the summer. Add in the constant mowing of lawns and summer breezes, and grass pollen easily gets into the air we breathe and into our lungs. 

With summer heat comes summer bugs and insects

And by summer bugs, we’re mostly talking about cockroaches. Out of all the non-plant or mold allergies that we test for, the cockroach is one of the most common that people are allergic to. So, you can put that on the already expansive list of why cockroaches are the worst.

Cockroaches are always around in Texas, but summer is when they become the most bold and abundant. The feces, saliva, and shedding body parts of cockroaches can all be allergy triggers and these allergens work like most where it's spread by getting swept up in the air. Luckily, decreasing the effects of cockroach allergy is the same as decreasing the number of cockroaches in your house. Be sure to keep your house clean, keep food in containers, and fix leaks and areas where cockroaches will flock.

Also included on the list of summer allergies, is mold

If there’s one allergen that likes water more than cockroaches, it’s mold. Not only is mold hidden in the water, but on those hot, almost suffocating days, mold is in the air too. The humidity in the air plays a big role in our allergies because excess moisture in the air creates mold. This can play a role both indoors and outdoors, creating a breeding ground for allergens such as mildew, mold, dust mites, and bacteria. 

When we go to constantly damp and humid areas like lakes, swimming holes, and even pools, we’re exposing ourselves to more outside mold than we usually encounter. Mold allergies, along with dust, are one of the most common but unrecognized allergies for the general public. When you’re going out to the water in the summer heat, you’ll need to make sure you’re prepared with an antihistamine to combat your allergic symptoms.

Speaking of mold, it’s not just affecting us outdoors – it’s also affecting us in our homes. 

Indoor allergies are also an issue in summer 

Sometimes you look at your weather app and see 3 digits depicting the current temperature for the day. A lot of us take that as a good excuse to have a lazy day inside. And trust me, there’s nothing wrong with doing that! However, when we’re staying inside for longer periods of time in the summer, we’re exposing ourselves to indoor allergens and this is even true for all the neat freaks out there. An estimated 70% of homes have mold behind their walls. For some, a little mold can be fine and not really influence your health or breathing, but mold allergies are extremely common and a lot of times that means our indoor air quality may be worse than the outdoors.

And mold isn’t the only allergen causing the sniffles inside your house, dust mites are just as big of a factor. Dust mites and mold are year-round allergens with serious effects on your health. Dust mites also like to spend most of their time where you are (hopefully) spending 8 hours every day -- your bed.

Dust can be much more manageable than mold because it’s not hiding behind the wall, but if you have children, pets, roommates, or anyone sharing your space with you, that manageability becomes less and less realistic.

Manage your indoor allergies by decreasing the amount of humidity inside your home. You can do this by using an air purifier. This will help reduce the amount of moisture in the air and deter mold and other allergens from producing. 

How to treat summer allergies 

If you notice your allergies are becoming unmanageable and ruining your summer fun, it's time to seek treatment. At Aspire, we offer long-term allergy relief through multiple treatments.

Allergy Shots:

- Allergy shots can be used to treat seasonal and environmental allergies like molds, pollen, and dust. Allergy shots are administered weekly or monthly in the clinic. They're a great option for many people.

Allergy Drops:

- Allergy drops are also used to treat allergens such as mold, pollen, and dust. They are just as effective as allergy shots and are customized to treat your allergies. Allergy drops are made to be taken at home or on the go, so need to worry about missing appointments while on summer vacation. 

ExACT Immunoplasty:

  • In just 3 easy appointments, you can find complete allergy relief! ExACT is an 8-week treatment that is clinically proven to be as effective as three years of allergy shots! ExACT is proven to have an 87% long-term success rate, if you want allergy relief fast, this is your best option! 

The point of this blog isn’t to scare you, but to prepare you.

Don't keep guessing if it's summer allergies or a cold. Take an allergy test and be prepared for your allergy season. Too many people spend their summers sniffling and sneezing while blaming it on a cold or illness when it’s something as simple as allergies.

Think about this summer and if you felt under the weather. If it was pretty consistent, maybe you shouldn’t blame it on sharing some chips and queso with a friend, and instead, take control of your allergies and make an appointment today!

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